
Fuck 'em

Fuck ‘em.
By Martique Lorray

Fuck ‘em if you can’t fuck ‘em.
Creation is messy – sweaty and dirty. It’s different. It sucks and it pushes. It’s invisible and it smells. It makes you ripe. It makes you rotten. It bites you when you turn your back and it twists your nipple when you want to cry. It will pull your pants down and expose your ass to everyone. It is your best friend, your comrade in battle; always there to put the rock in your shoe that says, “Remember. Remember who you want to be. Remember the dream, the vision. Remember those times when you were so sure, when you were invincible… and remember the laughter – the messy laughter - the mess of laughter. Yes, the laughter should be messy, too. Bringing down the snot and the tears. Bringing down the urine in your pants. Making your nose snarl. Screwing up your face in all directions that forces that vein to pop out in your forehead… or your neck – that’s the laughter vein. Cut that, and you’re dead. Laughter is the thread that ties our bones together. Our cells feed themselves on dirty jokes. Our heart is one big “Ha-Ha!”

So fuck ‘em if you can’t fuck ‘em. Fuck ‘em if they won’t get messy with you. I know you can make the most terrific mess all by yourself… I’ve seen you pick up turds with your toes and fling them away… good job. Fucking funny.

Above image by Martique Lorray
"Preparing to Scratch"
charcoal on paper

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